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Mission 66

John Mathews
Esther Sisulu

Mission 66

(719) 659-6434

Saturday 10:30am, 11:00pm; Sunday 6:00pm, 11:30pm

Mission 66 is a co-hosted daily release from TWR, presenting systematic Bible teaching in a format that brings the Word alive for today’s listener.

John Mathews and Esther Sisulu lead your audience from Genesis to Revelation. Your listeners will grow in biblical understanding and intimacy with God. And they’ll receive a life application core lesson at the end of each 25-minute episode.

Biblical teaching, dialogue and Q & A make this a fast-moving program that challenges listeners in their faith walk and equips them to pursue deep commitment to Christ.

Mission 66 finds its roots in the ministry of Brazilian Bible teacher and pastor, Dr. Luiz Sayao. TWR has translated and produced the program in several languages, with John and Esther heard around the world as the English language hosts.

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