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Dr. Mark Jobe

Dr. Mark Jobe

Bold Steps

Bold Steps with Dr. Mark Jobe
820 N. LaSalle Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60610

For information, call 800-356-6639 (800-DL-Moody) or 312-329-4300
To leave a question or a comment for Dr. Jobe on a recorded listener line, call (312) 329-2011

Monday-Friday 10:00 am; Saturday 12:00pm; Sunday 9:00am

Mark Jobe serves as president of Moody Bible Institute and host of Moody Radio’s Bold Steps. He is the author of Unstuck: Out of Your Cave into Your Call (Moody Publishers). He is also the founding pastor of New Life Community Church, a Chicago-based ministry with 27 locations throughout Chicago. Mark earned a diploma from Moody in 1984, a master’s degree from Moody Theological Seminary, and a doctorate in transformational leadership from Bakke Graduate University. He and his wife, Dee, have three adult children.